Shoulder & Elbow Physiotherapists Australasia

Clinical Excellence, Research & Education

SEPA was foundered at the Shoulder & Elbow Society of Australia meeting in 2004 as a not-for-profit, member-based organisation for Shoulder and Elbow Physiotherapists throughout Australia and New Zealand.

Our aim is to create an expert Shoulder and Elbow Physiotherapy group that:

  • Champions professional communication, respect and collaborations between Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons and Physiotherapists

  • Leads research and clinical collaboration between disciplines to improve rehab and surgical outcomes for the benefit of patients

  • Provides a professional resource and guidance platform for general Physiotherapists to access more specific shoulder and elbow neuro-musculo-skeletal knowledge

  • Promotes and advances Australian and New Zealand Shoulder and Elbow Physiotherapy internationally

    To this end SEPA, EUSSAR, ASSET and JSS are the founding members of the International Confederation of Scientific Societies for Shoulder and Elbow Therapy (ICSSSET) which run the triennial International Congress on Shoulder and Elbow Therapy (ICSET).

SEPA Physiotherapists have, as a minimum:

  • completed, at least, 5 years full-time, or equivalent, experience in musculoskeletal physiotherapy practice

  • completed, at least, 5,000 hours of clinical practice in the area of shoulder and elbow dysfunction, and

  • spend, at least, 30% of their professional time in the area of shoulder and elbow physiotherapy.


SEPA Presentations and AGM / SESA Closed Conference 23rd-27th Sept Sofitel Brisbane

SESA & SEPA Presentations (will be made available for SEPA Members)

  • The Posterior Shoulder Instability Questionnaire (PSI-Q): internal consistency, content and criterion validity, responsiveness and reliability of a new tool for the assessment of posterior shoulder instability. Dr Lyn Watson (SESA Presentation)

  • Comparison of Two Rehabilitation Programs for Multidirectional Instability of the Shoulder: 52-Week Outcomes of a Randomised Controlled Trial. Dr Sarah Warby (SESA Presentation)

  • Altered brain activation during shoulder movements in patients with multidirectional instability of the glenohumeral joint: A case-control fMRI study. Dr Sarah Warby (SESA ePoster & SEPA Presentation)

  • A comparative analysis of glenohumeral translation between multidirectional instability and matched controls: an ultrasound study. Daniel Verdon (SESA ePoster & SEPA Presentation)

  • The Scapula & Accessory Nerve Palsy: Conservative Management. Simon Balster (SEPA Presentation)

  • Modern Surgery for Spino-Accessory n. Palsy. Dr Seung-Min Youn-SESA Surgeon (SEPA Presentation)

  • Rehabilitation Post Spino-Accessory n. Palsy Surgery. Dr Sally Hess (SEPA Presenation)

SEPA Dinner

We had a great, lively dinner on the edge of the Brisbane River at Howard Smith Wharves. The laughter was contagious and the conversations free flowing, new colleagues became new friends and SEPA is richer.


Summary to come….

21st October 2023: SEPA Committee Meeting

The SEPA Committee agreed to:

  • proceed with new website development, register a new domain name SEPA.Physio to improve our branding, push for a new generation of SEPA members, start planning for SESA/SEPA 2024 in Brisbane and email an update to members

6th-9th September 2023: ICSET and ICSES Conference Rome

  • SEPA’s significant contribution to the 7th ICSET Meeting help to make it a huge success.

  • Contributors: Prof Karen Ginn, Simon Balster, Ross Lenssen and Deborah Taylor

  • ICSET Website

May 2023: SEPA, EUSSAR, ASSET & JSS form ICSSSET (International Confederation of Scientific Societies for Shoulder and Elbow Therapy)

SEPA Events

SESA & SEPA Biennial Closed Conference 2024: Brisbane 23-27th October 2024

  • All SEPA Members are invited to attend SESA with an invitation from a SESA Member

  • SEPA & SESA Joint Session is open to all “day” registered physiotherapists

  • What are you going to present? a Paper, e-Poster, Case-Study or workshop


ICSES & ICSET 2026: Vancouver 22-25th September 2026

  • Join Shoulder & Elbow Therapists & Surgeons from around the world

  • ICSET & ICSES Joint Sessions planned

  • What are you going to present?

    • Consider presenting a Paper, e-Poster, Case-Study or workshop

Past Events

ICSET 2023: Rome Sept 5-8th

SEPA: Workshops and Papers by Simon Balster, Prof. Karen Ginn, Ross Lenssen and Dr Deborah Taylor


The Founding Members of ICSSSET: