SEPA Funded Research
Grant assigned to: Dr Sarah Warby PhD
Investigation: The Effect of a Physiotherapy Directed Rehabilitation Program on Patients with Multidirectional Instability of the Glenohumeral Joint: A Multimodal Interventional MRI Study Protocol
Current Investigation Status: Currently recruiting control and subject participants. Complete data collected from 11 controls and 19 subjects with an aim for 30 participants in each. Link for MDI-fMRI study details
Publication(s): Study Protocol Article published in BMJ Open:
SEPA Members Research
SEPA Members Published Research:
A Clinical Perspective

Does the WIP1 improve shoulder symptoms in Circus performers
Does our Watson Shoulder Instability Program improve the shoulder symptoms (strength, stability, function and anxiety) of circus performers with atraumatic shoulder instability symptoms?

Can we measure the area where frozen shoulders develop?
One of the signs of a frozen shoulder is inflammation related thickening of the inferior glenohumeral ligament. Can ultrasound measure the thickness ofthis ligament?

An examination of Rotator Cuff muscular balance in swimmers.
It is commonly believed that the shoulder external rotation (ER) to internal rotation (IR) strength ratio is decreased in swimmers due to predominant IR loading during the pull-through (propulsive) phase which predisposes to shoulder pain. However, the evidence supporting this hypothesis is inconclusive. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine shoulder rotation strength parameters in elite swimmers and investigate potential associations with shoulder pain.

What can surgery achieve when you dislocate your shoulder in AFL.
The treatment of traumatic anterior shoulder instability in professional Australian Football League (AFL) players is challenging, with an emphasis on early return to play and avoidance of instability recurrence. This article investigates return-to-sport (RTS) outcomes and complications after Laterjet and Capsulolabral reconstruction procedures for traumatic anterior shoulder instability in professional AFL players.

How strong are your shoulder muscles? We can measure them.
Physiotherapists assess and measure the strength of patients muscles during every appointment. Here’s a method and technology that allows this measurement to be more precise and repeatable in shoulder muscles.