Find a SEPA Physiotherapist
Australian Capital Territory
APA Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist
ph: 07 36464319
Consultant physiotherapist working extensively in the assessment and management of all complex shoulder conditions. Passionate about improving outcomes for patients with complex issues. Dedicated to continuing education, research and mentoring within the profession.
2019 Admitted as Member of the Australian College of Physiotherapists.
2007 Awarded PhD (Physiotherapy), University of Queensland.
Thesis - “Motor control dysfunction in rotator cuff muscles of throwers with shoulder pain: a basis for conservative management of shoulder pathology”.
2001 Awarded title of Sports Physiotherapist by APA.
1994 Masters of Physiotherapy Qualifying; University of Queensland.
Thesis - “An Investigation of a Measurement of the Active Control of the Glenohumeral Joint by the Rotator Cuff in Competitive Baseballers”.
1986 Bachelor of Physiotherapy, University of Queensland.
1998 - PRESENT
Assessing, consulting, managing the diagnosis of complex shoulder conditions.
Clinical Leader: Orthopaedic Physiotherapy Screening Clinic. Assessing and directing the management of patients with shoulder condition.
Educating undergraduate and graduate entry masters physiotherapy students from UQ, ACU, GU and Bond University
Queensland Health Mentor
2022 – PRESENT
Sportscare Kawana
2022 Griffith University
APA Mentor. Shoulder Consultant.
Post graduate Masters’ confirmation panel member.
2021 –2022 LaTrobe University Post graduate clinical supervisor- Musculoskeletal Masters.
2018 – 2022 Target Physiotherapy Shoulder Consultant.
2017 – 2021 SEPA Committee Member.
2017 – 2018 Research Consultant for PhD candidate – telehealth.
2010 – 2014 SEPA Co-Convenor.
1997 – 2015 UQ Physiotherapy Lecturer – Casual.
2007 – 2010 Griffith University
Physiotherapy Lecturer – Casual.
2008 Reviewer - Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research and APA Grants.
1998 – 2006 UQ Member Spine and Joint Stability Research Team.
2002 Australian Cricket Board Physiotherapy Consultant.
2000 – Pre-Olympic Congress 2000 Member Scientific Committee.
1992 – 1997 UQ Associate Lecturer Department of Physiotherapy.
1996 UQ Research Assistant Department of Physiotherapy.
1994 – 1996 Physiotherapist Brisbane Bandits Baseball Club.
1993 Australian Universities Games Medical Co-ordinator.
1991 - 1992 QEII Physiotherapist OPD.
1989 - 1990 Physiotherapist various locum positions in Australia and England.
1986 – 1988 Royal Canberra Hospital Physiotherapist Rotating.
Royal Australian College of Physiotherapists Titled Member – Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist.
Australian Physiotherapy Association Sports and Exercise Physiotherapy Australia: Titled Member.
Shoulder and Elbow Physiotherapists Australasia
1996 - 1998: Sports Physiotherapy Special Interest Group Representative on the PDC (Queensland Branch).
1990 - 1991: University of Queensland Representative on the APA (Queensland Branch) Public Relations Committee.
1988 - 1989: Organizer of Continuing Education Supplements for the APA Newsletter (ACT Branch).
QH RBWH PHYSIOTHERAPY DEPARTMENT: Frozen shoulder update; Shoulder update – the RC; Thoracic outlet syndrome; BP management
APA National Conference: Functional anatomy of the upper torso, breast, axilla and shoulder complex. Workshop assistant.
QH RBWH ORTHOPAEDIC DEPARTMENT: Shoulder Instability and Physiotherapy.
QH RBWH PHYSIOTHERAPY DEPARTMENT: Frozen shoulder Update; Undergraduate OPD physiotherapy students shoulder update.
APA: Aquatic Physiotherapy and the Shoulder.
WEBINARS: Shoulder dislocation; Rehab post shoulder fracture.
RBWH QLD Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Conference- Invited speaker. The Rotator Cuff.
QH RBWH ORTHOPAEDIC DEPARTMENT: Brachial Plexus Management; MDI of the shoulder.
QH RBWH PHYSIOTHERAPY DEPARTMENT: Frozen shoulder; Brachial Plexus Injuries; Undergraduate OPD physiotherapy students.
WEBINARS: Pain and the Brain; Shoulder proprioception; Lifting weights; Why Not?
WEBINARS: Shoulder pain and the rotator cuff.
APA National Conference. Workshop: Aquatic physiotherapy and the shoulder
QH RBWH PHYSIOTHERAPY DEPARTMENT : Exercises for the shoulder; Aquatic Physiotherapy and the Shoulder; Brachial Plexus Management; Undergraduate OPD physiotherapy students.
QH ORTHOPAEDIC DEPARTMENT: Physiotherapy and the Shoulder; Physiotherapy and MDI.
TARGET PHYSIO: Update on the shoulder; Aquatic Physiotherapy and the Shoulder.
APA: A musculoskeletal approach to the management of the hemiparetic shoulder.
APA: Hydrotherapy and the Shoulder. Comparison between water and land-based exercise.
QH RBWH PHYSIOTHERAPY DEPARTMENT: Is impingement real?; Understanding the Brachial Plexus; Undergraduate OPD students
QH TPCH - Post-Operative shoulder management.
QH OPSC Northlakes- Shoulder Impingement – does it exist?
QH RBWH PHYSIOTHERAPY DEPARTMENT: Shoulder taping – an update; Reanimation of the quadriplegic hand; Undergraduate OPD students.
QH GARU - Musculoskeletal approach to management of the shoulder in a stroke patient
QH: The Shoulder – An Update.
NSW University Centre for Rural Health – Lismore: The Shoulder – An Update, Lismore
SESA Conference – Brisbane: Hydrotherapy for the Shoulder
Sinnamon Village: The Older Shoulder: An Overview
The Shoulder – An Update, RBWH: Pre and post-surgical rehabilitation of the shoulder
Gravity and Health. Effective integration of the local and global muscle systems in exercise.
The Shoulder – An Update, Bundaberg (QLD Health)
Advanced Clinical Workshops, Emerald QLD Health - Yangulla Centre: The Surgical Shoulder
QLD Health Gympie: The Shoulder – An Update
The Shoulder: An Update, RBH: Pre and post surgical rehabilitation of the shoulder
University of Queensland - Management of the Shoulder.
APA SWQSG: The Unstable Shoulder - Assessment and Rehabilitation
The Sporting Shoulder - Controversies & Solutions; The Throwing Action: Mechanisms of Injury
Brisbane Bandits Advanced Coaching Sessions: Injury Prevention and Treatment.
Hess SA 2023: Invited Speaker - Shoulder dislocation/relocations and beyond. The Fifth Biennial Conference of The Queensland Emergency Department Physiotherapy Network.
Hess SA 2021: Invited speaker: What’s new with the Rotator Cuff? Keeping it Simple. RBWH QLD Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Conference.
Hess SA 2020: UQ Students Association Conference: New graduate pathways; Shoulder update.
Hess SA 2019: Invited Speaker: Aquatic physiotherapy and the shoulder. Comparison on land vs water-based exercise APA National Conference, Adelaide
Hess SA 2014: Scapulothoracic Fusion: a case study SESA Closed Conference, Melbourne.
Hess SA 2010: Latissimus Doris transfer: a case study. SESA Closed Conference, Sydney.
Hess SA 2009: Orthopaedic conference: Shoulder surgery: an update
Hess SA, Richardson CA, Darnell R, Friis P, Lisle D, Myers P 2006: Altered activation patterns of the shoulder muscles in throwers with pain. SESA Closed Conference, Victor Harbour.
Hess SA, Richardson CA, Darnell R, Friis P, Lisle D, Myers P 2005: Inefficient muscular stabilisation of the glenohumeral joint in subjects with shoulder pathology: A motor control study. Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Australia 14th Biennial Conference, Brisbane.
Hess SA 2004: Physiotherapy and the Future. Motor Control: A Research Update. RBWH Research Symposium
Hess SA, Richardson CA, Friis P, Lisle D and Myers P 2004: Inefficient muscular stabilisation of the glenohumeral joint in subjects with shoulder pathology: A motor control study. Australian Physiotherapy Association NSW & Qld Conference “Crossing Borders”, Gold Coast.
Hess SA, Richardson CA, Friis P, Lisle D and Myers P 2004: Inefficient muscular stabilisation of the glenohumeral joint in subjects with shoulder pathology: A motor control study. Australian Physiotherapy Association 8th International Physiotherapy Congress, Improving and Expanding Practice, Adelaide.
Hess SA (2003): Rehabilitation of the overhead athlete. 2003 SMA Conference, Gold Coast.
Hess SA, Richardson CA, Friis P, Lisle D and Myers P 2002: The effect of pain on the temporal patterning of the rotator cuff. 2002 Australian Conference of Science and Medicine in Sport, Melbourne.
Hess SA 2002: The shoulder. A research update. Sports Science and Sports Medicine Forum, Australian Cricket Board, Brisbane.
Hess SA, Richardson CA, Friis P, Myers P and Lisle D 2001: Pattern of contraction of the rotator cuff in throwers: pilot study. 2001 APA-SMA Conference, Brisbane
Hess SA 2001: Rehabilitation of the functionally unstable glenohumeral joint. 2001 SMA Conference, Sunshine Coast
Hess SA, Friis P, Myers P and Richardson CA 2000: Pattern of contraction of the rotator cuff in throwers: A pilot study. 2000 Pre-Olympic Congress: International Congress on Sports Science, Sports Medicine and Physical Education, Brisbane.
Hess SA, Falla D and Richardson CA 2000: Evaluation of shoulder internal rotator muscle strength: Comparison between baseball players with and without physical signs of glenohumeral joint instability. 2000 Pre-Olympic Congress: International Congress on Sports Science, Sports Medicine and Physical Education, Brisbane.
Hess SA, Falla D and Richardson CA 2000: Further clarification of functional differentiation within the latissimus dorsi muscle. 2000 Pre-Olympic Congress: International Congress on Sports Science, Sports Medicine and Physical Education, Brisbane.
Hess SA 1999: Postero-superior glenoid impingement versus subacromial impingement. 1999 Australian Physiotherapy Association and Sports Medicine Australia Conference, Brisbane.
Hess SA, Thurnwald P and Galley P 1994: Injury Surveillance at the 1993 Australian Universities Games. 1994 International Conference of Science and Medicine in Sport, Brisbane.
Hess SA 2019: Aquatic physiotherapy and the shoulder. Comparison on land vs water-based exercise APA National Conference 2019, Adelaide
Hess SA, Richardson CA, Darnell R, Friis P, Lisle D, Myers P 2005: Inefficient muscular stabilisation of the glenohumeral joint in subjects with shoulder pathology: A motor control study. Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Australia 14th Biennial Conference, Brisbane.
Hess SA, Richardson CA, Friis P, Lisle D and Myers P 2004: Inefficient muscular stabilisation of the glenohumeral joint in subjects with shoulder pathology: A motor control study. Australian Physiotherapy Association 8th International Physiotherapy Congress, Adelaide.
Hess SA 2003: Rehabilitation of the overhead athlete. 2003 Sports Medicine Australia Conference, Gold Coast.
Hess SA, Richardson CA, Friis P, Lisle D and Myers P 2002: The effect of pain on the temporal patterning of the rotator cuff. 2002 Australian Conference of Sports Science and Sports Medicine, Melbourne
Hess SA 2001: Rehabilitation of the functionally unstable glenohumeral joint. 2001 Sports Medicine Australia Conference, Sunshine Coast.
Hess SA, Friis P, Myers P and Richardson CA 2000: Pattern of contraction of the rotator cuff in throwers: A pilot study. 2000 Pre-Olympic Congress: International Congress on Sports Science, Sports Medicine and Physical Education, Brisbane.
Hess SA, Falla D and Richardson CA 2000: Evaluation of shoulder internal rotator muscle strength: Comparison between baseball players with and without physical signs of glenohumeral joint instability. 2000 Pre-Olympic Congress: International Congress on Sports Science, Sports Medicine and Physical Education, Brisbane.
Hess SA, Falla D and Richardson CA 2000: Further clarification of functional differentiation within the latissimus dorsi muscle. 2000 Pre-Olympic Congress: International Congress on Sports Science, Sports Medicine and Physical Education, Brisbane.
Hess SA, Thurnwald P and Galley P 1994: Injury Surveillance at the 1993 Australian Universities Games. 1994 International Conference of Science and Medicine in Sport, Brisbane.
Hess SA, Dall’Alba P & Scott Q 2002: Can cervical pain affect the pattern of contraction of the shoulder musculature? A case study. 2002 Australian Conference of Sports Science and Sports Medicine, Melbourne.
Cottrell MA, O'Leary SP, Swete-Kelly P, Elwell B, Hess S, Litchfield M, McLoughlin I, Tweedy R, Raymer M, Hilla AJ, Russell TG 2018: Agreement between telehealth and in-person assessment of patients with chronic musculoskeletal conditions presenting to an advanced-practice physiotherapy screening clinic. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice 38:99-105
Hess SA, Richardson CA, Darnell R, Friis P, Lisle D, Myers P 2005: Timing of Rotator Cuff Activation during Shoulder External Rotation in Throwers With and Without Symptoms of Pain. Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy 35:12:812-820.
Hess SA 2003: Functional Stability of the Glenohumeral Joint. Manual Therapy Masterclasses. The Peripheral Joints. Eds Beeton K pp19-34
Falla D, Hess SA, Richardson CA 2003: Evaluation of Shoulder Internal Rotator Muscle Strength in Baseball Players with Physical Signs of Glenohumeral Joint Instability: British Journal of Sports Medicine 37:430-432.
Hess SA 2000: Functional Stability of the Glenohumeral Joint. Manual Therapy 5: 63-71.
Hess S, Thurnwald P, Galley P 1995: Injury Surveillance at the 1993 Australian Universities Games. Queensland Sports Physiotherapy Special Group News Dec:4-8.
PRF Seeding Grant
Dorothy Hopkins Award
APA (Qld Branch) Manual Therapy Research Grant
2023 QEDPN The Fifth Biennial Conference of The Queensland Emergency Department Physiotherapy Network.
UQ Musculoskeletal Master's Conference.
Regular Hospital Inservices.
2022 UQ Musculoskeletal Master's Conference.
Regular Hospital Inservices.
2021 UQ Musculoskeletal Master's Conference.
RBWH QLD Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy Conference.
Regular Hospital Inservices.
SEPA videoconferences.
2020 UQ Musculoskeletal Master's Conference.
SEPA videoconferences.
Regular Hospital Inservices.
Target Physio - Target Retreat.
2019 APA National Conference – Adelaide.
OPSC/SPSC Seminar Day – Queensland Health.
Regular Hospital Inservices.
SEPA videoconferences.
2018 SESA Biennial Closed Conference, Perth.
UQ Musculoskeletal Master's Conference.
Gravity Fit – Level II.
Jeremy Lewis Shoulder Course – Sydney.
OPSC Seminar Day – Queensland Health.
SEPA videoconferences.
APA – Training load as an injury risk factor.
Regular Hospital Inservices.
Item description
HandsOn Therapy
630 Old Cleveland Road, Carina, QLD 4152
ph: 07 3843 6605
Lindy Taylor on Linkedin
Msc Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, Brighton University, United Kingdom 2013 -2017 (part time)
Bsc Physiotherapy (Hons), Medical University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa
HandsOn Therapy, Senior Outpatient physiotherapy (Full Time) (March 2022 to date)
• Shoulder and hand clinic with Orthopaedic surgeon
• Treating post op orthopaedic patients
• Treating shoulder and lower limb patients
• Treating hand injury patients
• Treating shoulder injuries
Ramsay Hospitals (St Andrew’s Ipswich Hospital and Greenslopes Hospital), Casual weekend physiotherapist (October 2022 to date)
• Treating inpatient – orthopaedic, surgical, medical and cancer care wards
• Treating post operative patients
• Treating respiratory and general surgery patients
Townsville University Hospital, Senior Physiotherapist (October 2021 to December 2021)
• Treating outpatient musculoskeletal and orthopaedic patients
Mater Private Hospital, Senior Physiotherapist January 2020 to October 2021)
• Working in Orthopaedic ward treating inpatients, medical and neurosurgical wards
• Assessing and treating MSK, post op patients, orthopaedic, and neuroscience post op patients.
• Ran the shoulder clinic and the neuroscience screening clinic
• Development of Musculoskeletal and Orthopaedic outpatient clinical guidelines
Sonic HealthPlus, Senior Physiotherapist March 2019 to December 2019
• Responsible for Pre- employment Assessment, Manual handling, ergonomics and return to work assessment
• Assessing and treating Musculoskeletal and Orthopaedic clients
Allied Family Physiotherapy /Orion Family Physiotherapy, Senior physiotherapist June 2018 to Feb 2019
• Assessing and treating Musculoskeletal and Orthopaedic clients
• Assessing and treating Sports injury Clients
Vivir Healthcare, Physiotherapist, 15/01/2018 to 11 May 2018
• Pain management Program
• Falls Prevention
• Assessing and treating Musculoskeletal, Orthopaedic and neurological Residents
Belper Physiotherapy Clinic, Senior Physiotherapist, United Kingdom, November 2016 to February 2017
• Assessing and treating outpatient MSK, Orthopaedic and sport patients
• Responsible for Infection Control
• Responsible for Continued Education for the Team
Spire Sussex Hospital, Senior Physiotherapist, United Kingdom, 05 May 2015 to 12 September 2016
• Assessing and treating MSK outpatients
• Assessing and treating orthopaedic patients
• Assessing and treating women’s health conditions
• Responsible for Continued Professional Development for the department
Hastings Physiotherapy Practice, Part time Senior Physiotherapist, United Kingdom, 06 May 2015 to 30 October 2015
• Assessing and treating MSK, orthopaedic patients
• Assessing and treating insurance claims
• Assessing and treating aged care patients
MSK Hastings & Rother, Senior Physiotherapist, United Kingdom,10 February 2014 to 16 April 2015
• Assessing and treating musculoskeletal patients
• Promote a professional and caring environment
• Responsible for Continued Professional Development
Coastal Clinic, Part time Senior Physiotherapist, United Kingdom, 30 December 2013 to 08 February 2014
• Assessing and treating outpatients (musculoskeletal patients, post-operative and neurology patients)
• Providing excellent customer service
Saudi Aramco, Senior Physiotherapist, Saudi Arabia, May 2005 – July 2012
• Acting Outpatient Clinical Lead/Senior Physiotherapist (Full-Time, 37.5 Hrs a week)
• Tutoring/Mentoring final year physiotherapy students
• Attending ward rounds, meeting
• Responsible for Continued Education for the staff
• Treating in/out patients (triaging, post op cases, sports injuries, cardiac, neurology and mainly MSK patients)
• Responsible for chart auditing
• Responsible for the Total Knee Replacement Program
ANGLODOLD ASHANTI HEALTH SERVICES, Clinical Physiotherapist Lead, South Africa, January 2001 – April 2005
• Responsible for statistics and auditing
• Attending ward rounds, meeting and clinics (orthopaedic, amputee & hand)
• Mentoring final year physiotherapy students
• Responsible for continued education for the staff
• Responsible for the new staff orientation
• Treating in/outpatients (triaging, post op, sports injury, intensive care unit, thoracic, neurology, amputee patients and mainly MSK patients)
• Running the shoulder and hand class
SOUTH AFRICAN NATIONAL HEALTH SERVICES, Clinical Lead, Senior Physiotherapist, South Africa, Jan – Dec 2000
• Treating outpatients (triaging, sports injuries, musculoskeletal, amputees, post op and thoracic patients)
• Attending ward rounds and meetings
• Responsible for auditing, statistics and continued education
LYDENBURG HOSPITAL, Clinical Lead, Senior Physiotherapist South Africa, April 1999 – Dec 1999
• Responsible for auditing, statistics and continued education
• Treating in/outpatients (Intensive care unit, musculoskeletal, community, cardiothoracic, sports injuries, amputees and post op patients)
• Responsible for the orientation program for new staff
• Attending ward rounds and meetings
WENTWORTH HOSPITAL, Junior Physiotherapist, South Africa, Jan 1997 – March 1999
• Treating in/outpatients (Intensive care unit, musculoskeletal, neurology, amputee, post op, spinal and cardiothoracic patients
• Mentoring final year Physiotherapy students
• Attending ward rounds, clinics (hand, orthopaedic and amputee)
• Responsible for continued education.
Post Graduate Courses
• Introduction to Musculoskeletal Radiology, 2016, UK
• Understanding Blood Results, 2014, UK
• IRMER for referrers, 2014, UK
• Mulligan’s Upper and Lower Extremities Course, 2012, Saudi Arabia (Toby Hall, Curtin University Australia)
• Certification Manipulative Therapy for Peripheral Joints, 2011, Saudi Arabia (Toby Hall, Curtin University)
• Kinesiotaping (KT1 – KT3), 2009, South Africa
• Myofascial Soft Tissue Release, 2004, South Africa
• Dry Needling, March 2021 Level 1 to advance, Brisbane
• Orthopaedic Manual Therapy 1 (Pg diploma Wits University, South Africa 2003 – 2004)
• Abstract Presentation at Sports Medicine Australia Conference November 2022
• Currently working on a scoping review on Lateral elbow tendinopathy with Leanne Bisset and Brooke Coombes from Griffith University
• AHPRA – PHY0002150774
• APA: Reg No: 11399
• Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC, United Kingdom), Reg No: PH100930
• Health Professional Society of South Africa (HPCSA, South Africa), Reg No: PT 0060356
• Chartered Society of Physiotherapist (CSP, United Kingdom): Reg No: 092421
• Member of Shoulder and Elbow Physiotherapy Australia (SEPA)
• Member of Musculoskeletal Association of Chartered Physiotherapist (MMACP, United Kingdom): 13411
• Australian Hand Therapy Association – Associate hand therapist
Extend Rehabilitation
Lv 3, Brisbane Specialist Centre
Brisbane Private Hospital
259 Wickham Tce
Spring Hill Q 4001
Ph 07 3834 7060
Extend Rehabilitation
Brisbane Private Hospital
Lv 3, Brisbane Specialist Centre
259 Wickham Tce, Spring Hill Q 4001
Ph 07 3834 7060
Extend Rehabilitation
56 B Coonan Street, Indooroopilly Q 4068
Ph 38472922
Item description
Extend Rehabilitation
Brisbane Private Hospital
Lv 3, Brisbane Specialist Centre
259 Wickham Tce, Spring Hill Q 4001
Ph 07 3834 7060
Extend Rehabilitation
Brisbane Private Hospital
Lv 3, Brisbane Specialist Centre
259 Wickham Tce Spring Hill QLD 4001
Ph 07 3834 7060
Extend Rehabilitation
Suite 3 960 Gympie Rd, Chermside QLD 4032
Ph 3256 4001
Item description
Item description
New South Wales
Edgecliff Physiotherapy, 505/180 Ocean St, Edgecliff NSW 2027 –
ph: 93261168
Bachelor of Science UNSW 1972
GD Physiotherapy NSW School of Physiotherapy 1973
GD Tertiary Education UNE 1976
GD Manip Therapy CCHS 1984
Masters of Health Personnel Education UNSW 1987
Doctor of Philosophy UNSW 2001
2023-2026 Research Affiliate, University of Sydney, School of Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine & Health
2021-2023 Research Affiliate, University of Sydney, School of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine & Health
2018-2021 0.5 Professor, University of Sydney, Musculoskeletal Anatomy, Discipline of Anatomy & Histology, School of Medical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine & Health
2016-2017 0.5 Associate Professor, University of Sydney, Discipline of Anatomy & Histology, Sydney Medical School
2013-2016 0.8 Associate Professor University of Sydney, Discipline of Biomedical Science, Sydney Medical School
2016-present Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Tasmania
2011-2016 Honorary Research Associate, Royal National Orthopaedic, Hospital, London, UK
2007-2012 Head, Associate Professor, University of Sydney, Discipline of Biomedical Science, Sydney Medical School
1996-present Private practitioner (part-time), Sydney
1990-2006 Senior Lecturer, University of Sydney, Dept of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences
1994-1999 Honorary Physiotherapist, St Vincent's Hospital
1993-1995 Honorary Physiotherapist, Westmead Hospital
1977-1989 Lecturer, Dept of Cumberland College of Health Biological Sciences
1977-1988 Honorary Senior Tutor, University of NSW, School of Anatomy
1974-1976 Tutor, School of Anatomy, University of NSW
1973 Resident Physiotherapist, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney
Karen has developed an online course largely based on her EMG research into shoulder muscle function entitled “Functional Rehabilitation of Shoulder Muscles – evidence & application. It can be accessed;
in English on the Australian Physiotherapy Association continuing education platform “cpd4physios”
in French at
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Clinic Address
Contact Details
Link to Website
Northern Territory
South Australia
Western Australia
New Zealand & Overseas
APA Titled Sports and Exercise Physiotherapist (as award by the Australian College of Physiotherapist in 1999)
APA Titled Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist (as award by the Australian College of Physiotherapist in 1994)
Memberships: MAPA, SEPA, SESA (Affiliate), VSES
Melbourne Shoulder Group, 305 High St, Prahran, Victoria, Australia ph +61 3 9228 091
Dr Lyn Watson (Prof.Doc) is the Founding Principal and Director of Melbourne Shoulder Group (alongside Simon Balster).
Lyn is a Australian Physiotherapist who has been working exclusively in the diagnosis, assessment and rehabilitation of shoulder injuries for the past 30 years.
Lyn graduated from Latrobe University in 1986, with a Bachelor of Applied Science in Physiotherapy (Honours). She completed her post-graduate training in Manipulative Physiotherapy in 1990 and was granted her Sports Physiotherapy title in 2000.
In 2016 Lyn was granted her Professional Doctorate of Physiotherapy from Latrobe University. Furthermore, Lyn is an Adjunct Professor of Research at Western University, Ontario Canada. Lyn has been conducting clinically relevant research projects and publishing her research since 1996. She has published research within very reputable journals (eg. Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery, Manual Therapy and British Journal of Sports Medicine), on topics such as the Rehabilitation of Multidirectional Instability (MDI), Frozen Shoulder & Hydrodilatation, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, Glenohumeral Joint Instability, Scapula Biomechanics and Clinical Outcome Measures. Lyn’s rehabilitation program for MDI (The Watson Program), has been validated in a randomised controlled trial by Dr Sarah Warby (PhD).
Lyn is the physiotherapist to a variety of national and international sports teams and individual athletes. She has been treating members of the Australian Cricket Team since 1994, and working with Australian Olympic Level Swimmers, Water Polo, Beach Volleyball, Sprint and Slalom Paddlers, Rowers and professional Tennis Players for over 20 years. Her clinical practice has a balance of elite athletes, weekend warriors, office workers and manual workers of all age groups. As such, she treats the everyday typical shoulder conditions such as rotator cuff pathologies, instability, impingement and the stiff shoulder.
Lyn is an internationally renowned lecturer, course presenter and clinician. Over her 25-year carrier Lyn has developed logical and progressive approach to the assessment, diagnosis, rehabilitation and management of the shoulder and shoulder girdle. She continually refines her approach and validates it with the research she does. Since 1992, Lyn has been teaching her approach in her Shoulder Physiotherapy courses throughout Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, France, Italy, USA, South Africa and Asia since 1992. She also lectures on the Masters of Manipulative Therapy and Sports Physiotherapy programmes for both Melbourne and Latrobe Universities.
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Senior Physiotherapist (Shoulder and Upper Quadrant): BPhty(Hons), BSc(Hons)
Simon Balster is an Australian Physiotherapist with 28 years private practice experience. For the last 22 years Simon has worked exclusively in the area of shoulder orthopaedic physiotherapy. He is a private practice clinician, researcher and educator of physiotherapists on shoulder and upper quadrant musculoskeletal function and disorders.
Simon has a Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Honours) from the University of Queensland and a Bachelor of Science (Honours) majoring in Biochemistry from The University of Melbourne.
He is a AHPRA registered physiotherapist and has the following professional associations:
• Member of Australian Physiotherapy Association (MAPA),
• Member and current President of Shoulder & Elbow Physiotherapists Australasia (SEPA),
• Member of Victorian Shoulder and Elbow Society (VSES),
• Affiliate member of the Shoulder and Elbow Society of Australia (SESA): awarded to only six Australian physiotherapists.
Simon has been involved in Physiotherapy research since his Honours thesis was published in Manual Therapy with Prof Gwen Jull in 1997(20). He has integrated his clinical experience of assessment and rehabilitation of the shoulder with his love for research and been an author of 20 peer-reviewed articles on:
• Shoulder rehabilitation of Circus performers using the WIProgram(1)
• Intra and Inter-rater reliability of strength testing in shoulders using digital dynamometery(2)
• Development of a clinical outcome questionnaire specific to AC Joint issues(3)
• Development of an assessment and rehabilitation program for the management of posterior instability of the shoulder(5)
• An RCT Comparison of the MDI rehab program to the Rockwood program in treating shoulder MDI(6,7,8)
• Development of an assessment and rehabilitation program for the management of shoulder MDI(9)
• A variety of fine wire EMG studies of the shoulder and scapula muscle functions during movement and during specific scapula and rotator cuff exercises(10,12,13,14,15)
• Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, it’s presentation, assessment and physiotherapy management(16,17)
• Patient outcome following Hydrodilatation of the shoulder(18)
• A method for measuring the position of the scapula(19)
He’s also collaborated with surgeons Mr Greg Hoy and Mr Shane Barwood and colleague Dr Lyn Watson and produced Post operative physiotherapy programs for Shoulder Reconstruction, Rotator Cuff Repair (Small & Large), Subacromial Decompression, Laterjet Stabilisations, Reverse Total Shoulder Replacement and Pyrocarbon Shoulder Replacement
305 High St, Prahran Victoria 3181, ph +61392880911
33 Normanby St, Brighton, Victoria 3186, ph +61370205080
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